This letter is written to express my sincere appreciation for Julie Plush.  I volunteered to be considered for conducting training seminars for my job which means that I would have to speak before large groups of people.  I know from past experience that whenever I must speak before an audience I become very nervous and it’s hard for me to overcome this.  I really want to be a successful trainer and to overcome nervousness or at least reduce it to a minimum so I decided to join toastmasters.  I contacted Julie Plush and she immediately extended herself to me.  I shared with her that as part of the training to become a presenter that I had to do a mock presentation and that I was very nervous.  She gave me advice, encouragement and offered to come to my job to work with me before the mock presentation.  In a very short time she provided me with a wealth of public speaking tips, powerpoint skills, and overall presentation knowledge and information that I used to deliver a very successful presentation.  As a result of the assistance that I received from Julie, I developed a sense of confidence.  With additional practice and training I am certain that I will become the dynamic speaker that I aspire to be.  I owe a significant amount of thanks to Julie for her continued support in my success.   I would highly recommend her to anyone who is planning a public speaking engagement and needs some development in doing so.  I plan to develop a very close working relationship with Julie to continue developing my presentation skills. 
Thanks again Julie!  You are awesome.  I couldn’t have done it without you!
Raynette Robinson
I attended the workshop that you conducted on April 2nd at the Seven Springs Clubhouse. I just wanted to share some success that I have had after incorporating the tools you shared during the presentation. I recently conducted an educational in-service for a group of approximately 60 people and was given a limited timeframe to present the material (which was less than it normally takes). I condensed the material to half the number of slides as you suggested and this worked well and allowed me to convey the information in the specified timeframe. Another tool I used was to perform a visit to the site prior to the presentation. I am very happy that I attended your workshop.. 
Thank you for sharing your expertise!
 Delayna Keller RN, BSN

I was informed that I would be expected to teach a forty minute training block for my job in April of 2006.  I was expected to stand in front of a class room full of strange people and speak.  Just the thought of this made knots in my stomach and had me weak at the knees.  Now it’s less in ten days to go and I am expected to give my office a dry run of what I was going to say during the lesson.  I knew Julie was an excellent speaker to small and large groups.  After that day she came a couple other times to listen to me.  Julie took me under her wing and in less than 10 days she had prepared me to teach two ninety minutes training sessions. Julie gave me some very good advice re: my power point presentation, confident eye contact, notes, pronunciation of difficult words, how to deal with nerves and how to handle audience questions.  Believe me all these tips came in handy, I experienced all of the above type of situations in my teaching.  Needless to say, I made it though my teaching experience.  I was told that I did very well.  Without Julie’s help and great tips I know my teaching would not have been a success.  Yes, I take my hat off to JULIE!
Gwen Young