Speak Up!
Successful Public Speaking Without Fear
  • How often have you been asked to say a few words at a social event only to be gripped with fear?
  • How often have you been assigned to lead a business meeting only to have your brain shut down?
  • How often have you wondered if the job interview presentation was the best you had to offer?

Well…this book will provide tips on how to become a more confident and well-prepared speaker in any situation.

Julie Gough Plush has been a public speaker since the age of eleven. Ms. Plush has been trained and certified to conduct professional training workshops/seminars and is a member of Toastmasters International. In addition, she has made several television and radio appearances including guest hosting on ABC-TV’s “The View”.
Copies of “Speak Up!: Successful Public Speaking Without Fear are available for purchase ($15).
Book Reviews:
If you want to speak before an audience, here you have the basics.  Speak Up by Julie Gough Plush covers three key areas:  overcoming fear, preparing for the presentation and the delivery.   The information in the book is solid, surprisingly so for a short (29 pages) book aimed at first-time speakers.   David Leonhardt, aka The Happy Guy, a motivational speaker and author. www.blether.com
New Book Helps Readers "Speak Up! - Speak Up Successful Public Speaking Without Fear, by Julie Gough Plush is a useful resource for anyone who has ever been stricken with fear at the prospect of speaking before a group of any size.  Plush not only explains how to mentally and physically move beyond fear, but she also takes the reader through the preparation and delivery of effective public speaking, periodically using biblical references to reinforce her points.   She has successfully condensed a tremendous amount of information into less than 30 pages.  The layout and conversational tone also make for fast reading and easy comprehension.  Speak Up! is a hand resource for seminars or individual reading.   Afro Amercan Newspaper 2001